Gum Disease Treatment in Salt Lake City, UT


Rejuvenate Your Oral Health With Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease can sneak up without warning, gradually eroding your oral health. Left untreated, it can destroy bone and tissue, leading to tooth loss. The good news is that Dr. Robert Palmer and his team at SLC Dental provide cutting-edge treatment for gum disease of all stages. 

Call (801) 355-6997 today to schedule your gum disease treatment appointment at our Salt Lake City, UT, dental office. Our dental team is here to restore your oral health and create a radiant smile.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is an infection caused by plaque buildup around your teeth. Plaque is a sticky film containing bacteria that adheres to your teeth. Without thorough daily brushing and flossing, plaque hardens into tartar that can only be removed professionally.

As plaque and tartar accumulate, your gums pull away from your teeth, and abnormal pockets form that trap more bacteria. This progressively destroys gum tissues and bone, eventually leading to loose teeth and tooth loss if left untreated.

Gum Disease Symptoms

If you’re experiencing the following symptoms, call our Salt Lake City dental office right away:

  • Red, swollen, tender gums
  • Gums that bleed easily when brushing or flossing
  • Bad breath
  • Receding gums that expose tooth roots
  • Loose or shifting teeth
  • Tooth sensitivity

Gum Disease Treatments at SLC Dental

Dr. Palmer offers various non-surgical and surgical gum disease treatments to halt this destructive process. Options he may recommend include:

Scaling and Root Planing

If Dr. Palmer diagnoses you with gingivitis, an early and mild form of gum disease, he may prescribe scaling and root planing. This deep cleaning removes built-up tartar above and below your gumline.

After numbing your gums, Dr. Palmer uses specialized dental instruments to meticulously scale plaque from your teeth. He then smoothes out rough spots on your roots through root planing. This treatment removes irritants so your gums can heal and reattach tightly to your teeth again.


For more advanced cases, Dr. Palmer may perform a gingivectomy, which removes excessive diseased gum tissue. This eliminates the enlarged pockets housing infections between your teeth and gums.

Dr. Palmer numbs your gums and carefully excises the damaged tissue using precise tools. Without the excess infected tissue, your remaining healthy gum tissue can shrink back down and hug your teeth snugly again.

Osseous Surgery

If your gums have severely detached, osseous surgery can reshape supporting bone tissue for optimal reattachment. Dr. Palmer numbs your gums before folding them back and surgically removing infected tissue. He then meticulously reshapes the damaged bone to remove pockets and create a solid foundation.

This treatment allows your gums to heal and snugly conform to your teeth again. Dr. Palmer often incorporates bone grafts to encourage natural bone regeneration as well. Your gums and bones will reform into a healthy configuration over several months.

Periodontal Maintenance

Successfully treating gum disease requires customized ongoing periodontal maintenance. Dr. Palmer will design a schedule for professional cleanings and checkups based on your specific needs, typically every three to six months.

These maintenance visits allow Dr. Palmer to monitor your oral health as your gums heal. He can quickly catch any new inflammation and intervene before major damage occurs. You must stick closely to this specialized care schedule to preserve your renewed oral health.

LANAP® Laser Gum Therapy

One advanced gum disease treatment option offered by Dr. Palmer is LANAP. This stands for “laser-assisted new attachment procedure.” It uses a specialized dental laser to remove infected gum tissue and kill bacteria within gum pockets.

The laser allows Dr. Palmer to target and remove the infection with strong precision, minimizing cutting or stitches. It also helps reshape the damaged bone to further encourage gum reattachment. LANAP shows successful long-term outcomes in halting advanced gum disease.

Post-Gum Disease Treatment Care

After completing gum disease treatment, follow these guidelines to maintain your renewed oral health: 

  • Brush and floss daily
  • Use prescribed medicated rinses 
  • Avoid tobacco
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Attend all scheduled periodontal maintenance cleanings and exams

Let Dr. Palmer know right away if you notice any gum inflammation recurring. Staying on top of your at-home care and follow-up visits is vital.

Frequently Asked Questions

Gum disease is caused by plaque buildup that triggers infection and inflammation in gum tissues. Lack of thorough brushing and flossing allows plaque to accumulate.

The stages range from mild gingivitis to advanced periodontitis with major bone/tissue loss. The earlier it’s treated, the better the outcomes.

Unfortunately, receding gums won’t grow back. But gum disease treatment can prevent further recession. Lost tissue may be replaced with soft tissue grafting.

Periodontal maintenance, including regular professional cleanings and checkups, is crucial for preserving the results of gum disease treatment. These specialized maintenance visits allow your dentist to monitor your condition as your gums heal and intervene quickly if any new inflammation occurs.

Restore Your Smile with Cutting-Edge Gum Disease Treatment

If gum disease is damaging your oral health, prompt professional treatment is critical. The good news is that SLC Dental provides the latest gum disease therapies. From deep cleanings to advanced LANAP®, Dr. Palmer’s care can get your gums back on track.

Call SLC Dental in Salt Lake City, UT, today at (801) 355-6997 or schedule a consultation online if you notice any symptoms of gum disease. Dr. Palmer will provide an accurate diagnosis and customized treatment plan to stop gum disease and preserve your smile. With diligent at-home care and ongoing periodontal maintenance, you can enjoy robust oral health for years to come.