Gum Recession Treatment in Salt Lake City, UT


Protect Your Smile’s Foundation at SLC Dental

Gum recession, also known as gingival recession, is a common problem that affects millions of adults. It occurs when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth wears away, exposing more of the tooth surface. As the gums recede, “pockets” form along the base of the teeth. These pockets accumulate plaque and bacteria, leading to irritation, inflammation, and even tooth loss if left untreated.

Fortunately, Salt Lake City dentist Dr. Robert Palmer offers advanced gum recession treatments to restore your smile. Dr. Palmer is skilled in cutting-edge techniques like pinhole surgical technique and gum grafting. Read below to learn more about gum recession causes, symptoms, and treatments offered at Salt Lake City Dental.

patient with tooth pain

What Causes Gum Recession?

There are several potential causes of receding gums, including:

  • Aggressive brushing – Brushing too hard can wear down the gum tissue over time. Using a hard-bristled toothbrush and brushing horizontally can contribute.

  • Poor oral hygiene – Not properly removing plaque allows bacteria to build up along the gumline, triggering inflammation and recession.

  • Periodontal disease – Chronic bacterial infections damage the gums and supporting structures. The infections cause the gums to detach and pull away.

  • Smoking – Chemicals in tobacco constrict blood vessels, restricting blood flow and nutrients to the gums. This accelerates recession.

  • Clenching/grinding – Putting excessive force on the teeth can traumatize the gum tissue and detach it from the teeth.

  • Misaligned teeth – Crooked teeth or gaps may cause some areas to be more vulnerable to gum recession.

  • Genetics – Some people are simply predisposed to thinner gum tissue, making them more recession-prone.

What Are the Symptoms of Receding Gums?

The most noticeable sign of gum recession is longer-looking teeth. More of the tooth surface becomes exposed as the gums wear away, including the root. You may also notice increased sensitivity as more dentin is uncovered.

As the gums detach, you may feel notches or divots forming along the gumline. These are the periodontal pockets that harbor bacteria. The detachment also leaves spaces between teeth that are prime areas for food particles to become trapped.

Other symptoms may include:

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks
  • Tooth pain or throbbing
  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Metallic taste in the mouth
  • Loose or shifting teeth

If you notice any of these gum recession symptoms, Dr. Palmer recommends scheduling a dental exam. Getting an early diagnosis and starting treatment is key to preventing additional damage.

Gum Recession Treatments at SLC Dental 

Gum Grafting

Dr. Palmer tailors treatment plans based on each patient’s specific case of gum recession. Gum grafting procedures are commonly used to restore lost gum tissue and protect tooth roots. The three main types of gum grafting are:

Connective tissue grafts involve taking a thin strip of tissue from the roof of the mouth or a tissue bank and then stitching it around the exposed roots. It restores lost gum height, covers tooth roots, and reduces sensitivity.

Pinhole Surgical Technique

Pinhole surgery is a scalpel-free, suture-free method where tiny pinholes are made in the gums to gently loosen them. The graft material is inserted under the gums through the pinholes to fill in the receded areas without incisions. Patients experience less post-op pain and faster recovery than traditional grafting.

These and other minimally invasive techniques used by Dr. Palmer can greatly improve comfort while restoring healthy, beautiful gums.

Frequently Asked Questions

When properly cared for, gum grafts can last for many years. Avoiding risk factors like smoking and maintaining excellent oral hygiene will help your gum grafts last. Visit your dentist for regular dental cleanings and exams.

Coverage depends on your insurance plan. Many policies cover a portion of medically necessary gum grafting procedures. Your dentist can help you maximize your dental benefits and offer flexible financing options to help cover any out-of-pocket expenses.

Gum recession treatment can be beneficial at any age. There’s no age limit, provided you’re in adequate health for the procedure. Older patients typically experience very successful outcomes and improvements in gum health.

You’ll see some improvement right away, but the gums continue healing for several weeks after your procedure. Maximum results become visible once the grafts fully integrate with your existing gum tissue. Your dentist monitors your progress during follow-up visits.

Restore Your Smile at Salt Lake City Dental

Don’t let receding gums and gum disease impact your quality of life any longer. Dr. Robert Palmer has transformed thousands of smiles just like yours with gum grafting treatment. With advanced gum treatment options, you can enjoy minimally invasive care and faster recovery.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, contact Salt Lake City Dental today at 801-355-6997 or fill out our online contact form. Dr. Palmer and his team look forward to helping patients in the Salt Lake City metro area reveal their healthiest smiles.