Dental Cleanings in Salt Lake City, UT


Achieve a Beautiful and Healthy Smile at Salt Lake City Dental

At Salt Lake City Dental, we encourage patients to maintain regular dental cleanings and exam appointments to achieve a beautiful and healthy smile. Taking care of your teeth is essential for good oral health, and regular dental cleanings are a crucial part of that care. Despite brushing and flossing regularly, plaque and tartar can still build up on your teeth, leading to cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues. Don’t skip out on your regular cleanings as they could save you from future dental problems. 

Our team of experienced professionals at our Salt Lake City dental office is here to guide you through the process and ensure your comfort every step of the way.

The Importance of Oral Hygiene 

Good oral hygiene helps prevent cavities and gum disease. It also helps keep your teeth looking their best. And, perhaps most importantly, it can help detect and prevent more serious dental problems down the road. By maintaining an at-home oral hygiene routine, you can achieve excellent dental health and a beautiful smile. 

We recommend an oral hygiene routine that includes the following:

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day — preferably with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. 
  • Flossing each day right before bed.
  • Rinsing your mouth between meals.
  • Visiting Salt Lake City Dental twice a year for a dental cleaning and exam.
young man brushing his teeth at home

The Benefits of Teeth Cleanings

Regular dental cleanings at our Salt Lake City dental office can offer a range of benefits that go beyond just having clean teeth. Here are some reasons why you should schedule a dental cleaning:

  • Removes plaque and tartar buildup: Even with regular brushing and flossing, plaque and tartar can build up on your teeth over time. These can lead to tooth decay and gum disease if left untreated. A dental cleaning can remove this buildup, helping to prevent these problems.
  • Checks for cavities and other dental issues: During a dental cleaning, your dentist will also check for cavities and other dental issues. Catching these problems early can prevent them from becoming more serious and requiring more extensive treatment.
  • Freshens breath: Bad breath can be caused by a buildup of bacteria in the mouth. A dental cleaning can remove this bacteria, leaving your mouth feeling fresh and clean.
  • Improves overall health: There is a growing body of research that suggests that poor oral health can be linked to other health issues such as heart disease and diabetes. By taking care of your teeth and gums, you may also be taking care of your overall health.

close up shot of a woman's teeth getting cleaned with a tool

What Happens at Your Dental Cleaning Appointment

Going to the dentist can be a daunting experience for many people. At Salt Lake City Dental, we’ll always do our best to accommodate you and ensure you’re comfortable during your teeth cleaning. Overall, the process is straightforward and you’ll have a healthy and beautiful smile in no time! 

If you have any concerns, please speak with our Salt Lake City dental team beforehand, and we’ll decide if sedation dentistry will be beneficial for you during your appointment.

Physical Dental Exam

Before your teeth are cleaned, your dental hygienist will examine your mouth. They’ll use a small mirror and scaler to check all around your teeth and gums for signs of gingivitis (gum disease) or other concerns.

At least once a year, you’ll receive digital X-rays at our Salt Lake City, UT dental office to ensure we can get a clear picture of your entire oral structure. 

Removal of Plaque and Tartar

Next, the dental hygienist will use a small mirror and scaler to remove any plaque or tartar buildup from your teeth and gum line. This may cause some discomfort, but it’s important to remove any buildup to prevent cavities and gum disease.

Toothpaste Cleaning

After the scaling, the hygienist will use a high-powered toothbrush and gritty toothpaste to give your teeth a deep clean. This will remove any remaining plaque and leave your teeth feeling smooth and polished.

Flossing and Rinsing

Your dental hygienist will floss deep between your teeth and locate any trouble spots where your gums bleed. This step will also remove any leftover plaque or toothpaste from earlier in the teeth-cleaning process. Once they’ve flossed your teeth, they’ll ask you to rinse your mouth with water or a mouthwash. Rinsing removes any remaining debris in your mouth and helps neutralize harmful bacteria that may cause bad breath.

Fluoride Treatment

Finally, the dental hygienist will apply a fluoride treatment to help prevent cavities and protect your teeth for several months. This may look like a foamy gel or sticky paste that may be applied to a mouthpiece that you’ll wear for one or two minutes. The dentists at Salt Lake City Dental may also provide tips on improving your oral hygiene routine at home.

Overall, a dental cleaning appointment is a simple and painless procedure that’s essential for maintaining good oral health. So, don’t be afraid to schedule your next appointment with our Salt Lake City, UT dentist by calling (801) 355-699 to keep your smile healthy!

How Often Should I Get a Dental Cleaning?

Everyone should have regular dental cleanings, but some people may need to visit the dentist more frequently than others. If you’re not sure how often you should have a dental cleaning, the dental team at Salt Lake City Dental can help you determine the best schedule based on your individual needs.

  • Children, Teenagers, Adults, and Seniors: Everyone should have regular dental cleanings, regardless of age. People of all ages should visit the dentist for regular cleanings to prevent future dental problems from occurring.
  • History of Dental Problems: People who have a history of dental problems, such as cavities, gingivitis, or periodontal disease, should visit the dentist more frequently than those who have never had any dental issues. This is because these people are more prone to developing dental problems, and regular cleanings can help prevent them from getting worse.
  • Smokers/Tobacco Users: Smokers and those who use tobacco products should also have more frequent dental cleanings. Tobacco use can cause staining and damage to the teeth and gums, and regular cleanings can help remove the stains and prevent further damage.
  • Diabetes and Chronic Health Conditions: People with diabetes or other chronic health conditions should also have regular dental cleanings. These conditions can affect oral health and make people more susceptible to dental problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

For patients with healthy teeth, a dental cleaning can take up to 30 minutes. For those suffering from poor oral health who may have excess tartar buildup, it can take closer to one hour. If you take good care of your oral health, you’ll spend less time in the dental chair. 

A dental deep cleaning involves the removal of built-up plaque and tartar from areas between your teeth and below your gum line. The difference between regular dental cleanings and deep cleanings is that deep cleaning involves scaling and root planing, which are used for patients suffering from early-stage gum disease. The goal of deep dental cleanings is to reverse the effects of gum disease and prevent the disease from further spreading.

On average, without insurance, patients can expect to pay between $75 and $200. However, with insurance, patients may have no out-of-pocket costs. The cost of a dental cleaning will vary from patient to patient so make sure to contact your insurance provider to learn more about your coverage.

Health conditions such as pneumonia, cardiovascular disease, stroke, endocarditis (an infection of the heart’s inner lining), and pregnancy complications among others can arise when oral health becomes neglected. Patients suffering from gingivitis and periodontal disease have a higher chance of developing these conditions.

Schedule Your Dental Cleaning Today!

At our Salt Lake City, UT, dental office, our team offers dental cleanings for those looking for a clean and healthy smile. If you’re wondering if you’ll be a good candidate, we’ll be happy to meet with you to discuss your oral hygiene goals and help you achieve them. 

Contact Salt Lake City Dental at (801) 355-699 and schedule your appointment today!